إختبر مستواك

إختبر مستواك في الإنجليزية – مستوى متوسط

إختبر مستواك في الإنجليزية – مستوى متوسط

إختبر مستواك في مجالك المفضل

إختبار رقم 1

إختبر مستواك في اللغة الانجليزية

مستوى متوسط

1 / 10

You have to turn this from left to right — in other words clock..........

2 / 10

She's not really interested in her job and just waits for the end of the day to come. She's just a clock ..........

3 / 10

I'm afraid you can't make yourself any younger and turn the clock ..........

4 / 10

The competition is very strong as each team wants to be fastest and ......... the clock.

5 / 10

When do you finish work or more exactly what time do you clock .........?

6 / 10

They're trying very hard to finish in time and they're working ......... the clock.

7 / 10

I've clocked ......... about an additional 20 hours this week in overtime pay

8 / 10

It's an amazing system so that at whatever time of day you can always get a response as the staff are there ......... the clock

9 / 10

What time do you start work or more exactly when do you clock .........?

10 / 10

You can always be sure that there'll be a delivery today as the service is as regular as clock..........

Your score is

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