إختبر مستواك

إختبر مستواك في الإنجليزية – مستوى متقدم

الإختبار الأخير

إختبر مستواك في مجالك المفضل

الإختبار الأخير


مستوى متقدم

1 / 100

Candidate: No, sorry as I said I like working outside, I want to be a gardener, ..........

2 / 100

Candidate: I think the main reason is because I like working in ........

3 / 100

 In advance of drawing up the job specification and advertisement, you have to sit down and work out the ......... you have in mind for the ideal employee.

4 / 100

She puts it another way and says she will be able to make an ......... man of me.

5 / 100

 Finally I want someone to come and cut my grass at your .......... Yours faithfully, Herb Grass.

6 / 100

We panicked when we got near the house because we could see smoke issuing ......... the top bedroom window.

7 / 100

After you've read the details of the job, made some notes and written a draft letter, check the details, write the final letter and then ......... your application.

8 / 100

When you are interviewing someone, it is obviously necessary to ask questions relevant to their job experience but discussing someone's other ......... is also useful.

9 / 100

The problem is he has no work to do and with time on his ......... he is likely to get into trouble.

10 / 100

What I would like you to do is to pay me ......... my money and take 'Supercut' away.

11 / 100

She certainly won't invest in that company again having lost a fortune — it's a case of once bitten twice

12 / 100

Interviewer: Perhaps you could start by telling us why you've ..........

13 / 100

Dear Sir, I am writing this letter to describe the ......... I've been having with one of your products.

14 / 100

 I can't believe that he's turning against his own parents — it's like biting the hand that ......... you.

15 / 100

The first time I tried to use it, your lawnmower simply ......... over the grass but did not cut it.

16 / 100

The concert doesn't start at least an hour and so we have time to ..........

17 / 100

You can tell she has hit the ......... time because of the huge car she drives.

18 / 100

'Super' to my mind suggests ........., which it does not possess.

19 / 100

Turn on the television and look at the current news programme and you will find everyone discussing the ......... issue of the day.

20 / 100

It must have come as a great shock to get the sack but I'm afraid you'll just have to accept it and bite the ..........

21 / 100

I wish we could stick to the subject and just consider the topic ......... issue.

22 / 100

If you want to grow as a business and attract new customers you must ......... with the times.

23 / 100

If you want to join that club, you have to ......... a form and send it to your secretary.

24 / 100

When spring comes, people often feel inclined to ......... their houses.

25 / 100

Before she was allowed to leave the hospital, a physiotherapist had to ......... the extent of her mobility.

26 / 100

We're not living here for good but just for the time ..........

27 / 100

The treatment has proved very successful but to check progress he has to arrange to visit the doctor's ..........

28 / 100

I think you were asking too much of that new member of staff when you expected her to ......... with a cost-cutting scheme.

29 / 100

As soon as the doctor looked at her, he was able to ......... the cause of her frequent headaches.

30 / 100

eme has failed and it has well and truly bitten the ..........

31 / 100

His invention showed that he understood what was going to happen in the future and proved he was ......... of his time.

32 / 100

Candidate: Not to me, ..........

33 / 100

We can offer you a salary that will be ......... with the duties and responsibilities that the job demands.

34 / 100

 Before you start applying for any job, you must be absolutely sure you have the right paper .........

35 / 100

My opinion is that they don't know what to do and are merely playing ......... time.

36 / 100

My advice to you is to resist saying anything at the moment and simply bite your ..........

37 / 100

I can ......... you that the duties are not in any way complicated.

38 / 100

Dear Charles I thought it was ......... time I wrote to you and told you what I've been up to.

39 / 100

Under the policy of the new health regulations if you decide to cancel your ......... and don't notify the surgery, you will be fined.

40 / 100

As soon as the ......... arrive, it will be your job to show them round the work place and give them a general history of the company for which they want to work.

41 / 100

I agree in general with what you have said but I'm not happy about one point and I must ......... issue with you over that.

42 / 100

 It was a family that had had a long history but it came to a halt when George went because he died ......... issue.

43 / 100

The time has now come when it will be necessary to ......... making a plan.

44 / 100

Candidate: I'm sorry I don't understand what you're ..........

45 / 100

The orchestra are meant to ......... time with the conductor.

46 / 100

Time will ......... whether we have made the right decision.

47 / 100

At the moment the company is doing an extensive advertising campaign with a view to ......... new staff.

48 / 100

There's no need to worry, we shall get to the station long before the train leaves as we have ......... of time.

49 / 100

Interviewer: So you're not after the job of guardian, ..........

50 / 100

I must confess I feel much better today, as I have found that the medication prescribed has been most ..........

51 / 100

He left the surgery feeling a lot better than when he arrived because the doctor had reassured him that his condition was not ..........

52 / 100

I told him time and ......... not to do it but he takes no notice.

53 / 100

 In fact you could not possibly say that the job of best man is at all ........

54 / 100

Let me have your ......... as soon as possible. Your old friend, Mick.

55 / 100

My main news is that Mary has at long last ......... to marry me.

56 / 100

In view of the way things have improved I now feel confident enough to have another bite at the ..........

57 / 100

I always like to get to an appointment in ......... time.

58 / 100

Interviewer: I should have thought this was ..........

59 / 100

You need not worry that you'll be left on your own because I'll always ......... you.

60 / 100

The doctor took out of her bag an unusual ......... but promised her young patient that it would not hurt her.

61 / 100

They were so angry with me they practically bit my ......... off.

62 / 100

 As far as I'm concerned his explanation was useless as it merely ......... the issue.

63 / 100

I know she would really like to say exactly what she feels but I believe she should bite her ..........

64 / 100

To begin with I would like to take ......... over the name itself.

65 / 100

He may seem very angry but don't worry his ......... is worse than his bite.

66 / 100

The business has lost a lot of orders recently and is going through a ......... time.

67 / 100

Unfortunately this does not ......... to 'Supercut'.

68 / 100

 I think he'll succeed but it's a lot of work and sometimes he feels he's bitten off more than he can ..........

69 / 100

Before they could start any kind of treatment, they had to write to the previous hospital in order to obtain her ..........

70 / 100

Candidate: I'm Mr Jensen. I'm afraid it's a case of .........

71 / 100

The railways system is very efficient as the trains always arrive ......... time.

72 / 100

The station isn't far away and the train leaves in about ten minutes so there is no need to worry — we have time to ..........

73 / 100

Treatment of this particular disorder was beyond the doctor's capability and he ......... the patient to a specialist.

74 / 100

 The police are very keen to talk to one particular man and have issued a ......... of him.

75 / 100

 'Cut' I should have thought was an essential ......... of any lawnmower.

76 / 100

It is much easier to ......... an illness than it is to cure it.

77 / 100

Time ........., it's difficult to believe that we've been here all day.

78 / 100

The value of one of the early copies of that book can be considerable if it happens to be a ......... issue.

79 / 100

This brings me to another point: why aren't you and Sara tying the .........?

80 / 100

I am referring to your lawnmower ......... in the catalogue as 'Supercut'.

81 / 100

The trouble with her is that she always exaggerates and ......... an issue out of everything.

82 / 100

Putting it ......... I should be delighted if you would agree to be my best man at our wedding.

83 / 100

 Interviewer: You mean you like the idea of an office with ..........

84 / 100

I need to find some kind of chemical that will ......... the weeds in the garden.

85 / 100

I think that you've chosen a very good area of work to seek employment in because I've heard that jobs are ......... there.

86 / 100

And now I come to a very important ......... I want to ask of you.

87 / 100

All the reporters of the war were issued ......... bulletproof jackets to give them better protection.

88 / 100

You can tell by the way she talks and behaves that she ......... her mother.

89 / 100

Don't worry we'll have to wait a little longer because I'm sure he'll ......... soon.

90 / 100

It's ......... time she learnt to look after herself.

91 / 100

If you really want to send that letter off today, it's ......... time you went to the post office.

92 / 100

Interviewing applicants for an important job can be a very time ......... process but it's worth it in the end.

93 / 100

 Interviewer: I think there must be a mistake, I ..........

94 / 100

What you have to do is to ......... a new idea that will enable us to make a lot of money.

95 / 100

The parcel eventually arrived six weeks later, and not ......... time!

96 / 100

You can tell just looking at their out of date equipment that the company is well ......... the times.

97 / 100

It's easy to see from the way the garden is looking that winter has ..........

98 / 100

Last week I ......... that book you wanted in a small shop.

99 / 100

After all why should you two continue to be free and I have to give up my .........?

100 / 100

 ......... the grass was flat but it was still as long as when I had started.

Your score is

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