إختبر مستواك

إختبر مستواك في الإنجليزية – مستوى متوسط

إختبر مستواك في الإنجليزية – مستوى متوسط

اختبار الإنجليزية لمستوى متوسط – اختبار رقم 5

يُعد “اختبار الإنجليزية لمستوى متوسط – اختبار رقم 5” أداة تعليمية هامة لتقييم مهارات اللغة الإنجليزية لدى الدارسين في المستوى المتوسط.

 يتناول الاختبار مجموعة متنوعة من الأسئلة تشمل الفهم القرائي، القواعد، والمفردات، لتحليل قدرات الطلاب بشكل شامل. يتيح هذا الاختبار للممتحنين فرصة تعزيز معرفتهم اللغوية والاستعداد لمراحل تعليمية أكثر تقدماً. 

حرص القائمون على إعداد هذا الاختبار على جعله متوازناً ودقيقاً لضمان تقييم موضوعي لمستوى كل متعلم. 

لذا، يعد “اختبار الإنجليزية لمستوى متوسط – اختبار رقم 5” خياراً مثالياً للمعلمين والطلاب على حد سواء لتحديد مستواهم وتعزيز مهاراتهم اللغوية.

إختبر مستواك في مجالك المفضل

إختبار رقم 5

إختبر مستواك في اللغة الانجليزية

مستوى متوسط

1 / 10

Cathy didn't believe any of this and was delighted to be working for Geoffrey Winton if for no other ......... than that living at home was very humdrum (boring).

2 / 10

One morning there was quite a hubbub (loud noise and activity) in the Fortune ......... when Cathy came rushing into the sitting room helter skelter (running at great speed),

3 / 10

The rest of the organisation thought that she and Winton were a dream team (ideal partners) because she was enthusiastic and he was very ..........

4 / 10

As far as he was concerned this would be a ......... of time because the speakers at the rally would just talk mumbo jumbo (nonsense).

5 / 10

What her mother and father ......... to most was the endless tittle tattle (gossip) in the village about a young woman working for this hot shot (well known entrepreneur),

6 / 10

After all she thought her brother was enjoying himself and had gone ......... to work in America as a result of the brain drain (talented people leaving their own country to work for better pay in ano

7 / 10

But Cathy had made up her ......... and the next morning wham bam (very quickly) she caught the early train and went off to the rally.

8 / 10

As far as her father was concerned this was ......... double trouble (two problems) — first working for Fortune and now getting involved in a demonstration.

9 / 10

and announced what she thought was a cheerful earful (a good piece of news) and that was she had been invited to attend a ......... in the capital.

10 / 10

who was also ......... by some as a bit of a wheeler dealer (someone who does business in an underhand way).

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